Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Way I See It # 297

So that nibble turned into a failed attempt at fishing. The woman interested in buying my drum set backed out this morning with, as she put it, "Cold Feet". I did get a not-so-sketchy post on facebook for the set, so I hope that works out. I really hope that works out. I could use $300 dollars pretty badly.

Today I should be hanging out with Sid and Julia but I haven't heard any word, so I don't know. My room is a mess and I need to clean it, otherwise I'm going to nuts. I also need to take out the trash before mom sees it. She would flip. She's going up to Hartford with Jackie on saturday to look at apartments. So that leaves the "trips" with Dad. What a great/fantastic day. Maybe I'll grow a pair and tell him that I can't stand being around him. But I probably won't.

I should go and start cleaning, otherwise I'll never do it.

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