Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Way I See It # 293

I have to go to work today from 4-11. I don't want to go. But then again I was so bored yesterday. I had the entire day off after seeing Dark Knight, and I didn't do anything. I asked Mom if she wanted to do anything but she didn't. Sid was at work, and sleeping and such, and Christina and Kara were both working. It was really uneventful. I did call my landlord about getting the key and the apartment and stuff, but other than that I didn't do anything.

Today I spent the morning reading "Choke" by Chuck Pahlanhiuk, and now I need to take a shower to get cleaned up. I feel lazy. Lazy, and I don't want to do anything either. Maybe I'll feel better when I wash my hair, put in contacts, and get ready.

I think that work is going to suck tonight. After all, it is a Saturday. I would really love it if no one came in to Resto tonight. I hate dealing with bad customers. Or rather, I would like it if everyone just bought something off the floor, and didn't fuss about shipping charges or when the packages will arrive at their house. I hope we also aren't understocked or understaffed. I would like a stress-free environment and I would like it if No one wants the 3rd, 8th, or 9th off in August.

I guess I've decided to go back home after moving in and work a week. I guess my last day will be August 13th or 14th.

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