Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Way I See It # 303

Getting up at 10 is way better than getting up at 7, I have to say. I work from 12-9 today. Another long ass day, but in the end it will be worth the money. Next week alone I'm earning almost $400 dollars. who knows how much I made this week. Any way, work is rolling along. Only two weeks and I'll be outta here.

Mom and Jackie are in Connecticut, so that means that it's just the three of us and Dad. I was eating breakfast and he asked me if I'd be around tonight. I said I was working, and so was Christina. He said, "Oh.... well I thought we might be able to all have a nice dinner out."

This sounds like a generous offer, but I don't appreciate or accept it for reasons I can't really say. Being at a table with my dad, without my mom could probably end up badly. what would we talk about? The fucking motorcycle? How he can't remember where any of us work? How his job is going? There would be nothing but phony chit chat, and I hate that shit. everything he says seems phony to me. He's friendly, but when he is, he puts me on edge. I never know what he's going to say next.

I wish mom hadn't gone to connecticut, but c'est la vie.

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