Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Way I See It # 286

I'm going to work in about an hour, and I don't know whether to pack a dinner or not. I sometimes pack a lean cuisine for dinner, but I can't lie, those things just aren't enough food. But I don't want to spend money at the mall.

I got paid yesterday (YES). And now I am quite better off financially than I have been in the recent past (obviously). Now I have the great challenge of convincing my dad to buy the furniture I need, while I pay for the things that I don't. It's going to be a hectic month of August. I head for RVA the weekend of the 8th, where I will begin the monumental effort to make my apartment a comforting place to live. I'm thinking of having a party, but I'm not sure if I'll have the funds for such a shindig. PLUS my landlord shares a wall with me (fuck!). But he'll be moving out soon, I hope a nice family with children will move in so I can babysit and make money.

I went to target to scope out prices and the everyday stuff I'll need. Their cooking ware, knives, pots, toasters, microwaves, etc. are all relatively cheap, so I'm excited that the item won't blow my budget. What's my budget? I have no idea yet, but I plan to save part of my savings for myself. My original plan was to have a nest egg with which to buy clothing, food, and anything I want during my sophomore year. I hate it when things don't go as planned, which is more often than not I should think.

Thursday night Sid and I are working roughly the same hours, and after our shifts end we will be seeing "The Dark Knight" at the midnight showing. I am very excited.

I'm going to go now and try to enjoy myself before I have to go back to work. Thank god I'm not closing tonight. yesterday the store was completely torn apart by overheated consumers looking for a way to cool off. In the end it was their pocket books that were burning. I don't understand this need for material things in a recession (says the girl who must furnish her apartment in the next 4 weeks). Do these people really need to be redoing their bathroom? Do you NEED that new mailbox with all appropriate house numbers? And does one really need five bottles of leather cleaner? The need for towels is so great that I can't compute how much lint all of the towels will shed together. Enough to make you think my pants are white (They are black).

I don't mind retail, but it's a bitch. And it's Tysons. That's the problem. Most People that shop at Tysons are conceited, rich, overbearing housewives from Mclean who have nothing better to do than buy 6 panels of $300 draperies for their laundry room.


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