I've decided to retire the whole "The Way I See It" title... I'd rather just make something up on the fly.
I haven't blogged between classes in a while, so here goes. Today started out quite wonderfully, and considering my state of stubborn chilliness in this fall weather, and my lack of adequate footwear/clothing at this exact moment, I would love to be back in bed snuggling and hitting the snooze button. That would just be the cat's meow, let me tell you. I can see that it's drizzling now, and I'm going to regret my walk to Art History in an hour or so, especially if it starts to rain a little more steadily.
I don't know what I'm going to do for Halloween. It sounds like people are headed to UVA, Zane included, but I wasn't planning on leaving Richmond for good old "
Samhain" (pronounced: Saw-ane). I especially since hadn't asked Kara about it. Now I don't know what to do. If Kara doesn't want to go, I'm not sure I will either. And yet, I want to spend Halloween with Zane. I guess we'll see what happens.
Next week is comprised of full-blown studying. I'm taking the week off of work and focusing on academia for once, instead of the mighty dollar. Which reminds me, I need to check my Mint account.
Zane has me hooked on this financial website "
Mint" where you can set up your accounts and see how much money you're spending. I'm currently $60 under budget, which is good.... right? I never knew how much I was spending in one month! I think I'm going to adjust my budgets. Definitely check it out if you have as much trouble managing your money as I do.
My Winter break has been neatly and precisely sorted out: I'll be working 2 weeks in RVA, Home for three weeks (including our cruise birthday extravaganza) and then back to RVA for a week of work before I get into the full swing of the semester. Estimated profit from working the 9-5 at $7.50= $900 for winter break. Not that bad, and probably the best I'll do considering how busy I will be.
I am going to love and hate winter break. I'm going to love working and being home, but that also means it's closer to January 5th, a date I'm not looking so forward to....
But having no school work to worry about will hopefully be as relaxing as I imagine it to be.
However, until winter break comes, I have a lot of work to do!
1. 4 internship applications to turn in for Summer 2010 (and maybe more...)
2. Finishing up all my classes
3. Saving monneeyyy
So many other things I can't think of....
Also, Halloween this weekend, kara's leaving the next weekend, Christina visits the weekend after, and then it's thanksgiving!
1. Archaeology paper due in 2 weeks
2. Art History paper due.... really soon!
3. Andean paper rewrite!
4. Modernism Test!!
5. French exam!
6. Ethnography paper!
7. Lecturing a class on Kinship in Anthro!
8. Possibly submitting a paper for the North American Archaeology conference?
I don't know how I'm going to handle all of it!