Friday, October 16, 2009

I'm The Girl That....

1. Takes too much pleasure in the feel of soft bed sheets
2. Occasionally washes her hands for 10 minutes just to relax.
3. Dislikes coffee/tea but loves hot chocolate
4. Worried her childhood dreams won't meet their expectations.
5. Frequently forgets her aspiration to be thinner, until she's halfway through a bag of Kitkats and can't seem to see the need to stop.
6. Wants to be effortlessly flexible
7. Is realizing that just because she is studying anthropology, it doesn't mean she is chained to a life of archaeological digs and begging for grants.
8. Wants to get into an Ivy League... and do well.
9. Spends way too much energy on school.... It's a little scary.
10. Is joining an honor society (besides Thespian society) for the first time in her academic career. For the discounts....
11. Think that she's probably going to end up going to an Arts school for Graduate study... In New York City.
12. Wants to sleep, literally, for an entire day(s)
13. Can be both ecstatic and sad at the fact her boyfriend is studying abroad in the middle east next semester.
14. Can be confused and certain at the same time

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