2. Currently listening to the Glee soundtrack. Awesome.
3. IMs from a guy I was in a show with over three years ago are totally awkward.
4. I've mastered the elusive "Vrksasana" (Vrik-SHAHS-ana), otherwise known as "Tree Pose":

I used to only be able to do the modified version, which has you balancing with your foot on your calf muscle, rather than high up on the thigh. But I've been practicing before bed, it's a good relaxer if you're interested in trying it. Full details here.
5. My anthro paper took a much shorter amount of time than I thought it would!
6. Currently listening to a podcast on Picasso's Guernica, if you're interested.
7. I'm poor. But it's okay, I have my health.
8. Cleaned my computer with a Magic Eraser. WORKED WONDERS.
9. You know it's been a while since I worked out when I hurt myself attempting child's pose. BIG YOGA FAIL.
10. Freddie Mercury had it right on a lot of things. but not on safe sex. (Sorry Freddie, too soon?)
Music I'm currently listening to/can't get enough of:
1. Hate on Me- Jill Scott (covered by the Glee Cast)
2. Nantes- Beirut
3. Battle of Bongo Hill- The Herbaliser
4. Jungle Drum- Emiliana Torrini
5. I Will Possess Your Heart- Deathcab For Cutie
6. Ya Mera Divanapan Hai- Nitin Sawhney (From The Namesake; the music in this movie is gorgeous)
7. Light Bulb- Rachel Goodrich (You might recognize this from a Crayola Crayon commercial).
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