Sunday, November 29, 2009


I've decided to abandon studying for the rest of the night and get some sleep. Tomorrow consists of cramming for my modernism exam at 1 and then working on a death and burial presentation. I'm just going to be telling Richmond Ghost stories, so I hope that's cool. Maybe I should bring a campfire and s'mores for everyone? That's a great idea, I just realized, but way too labor intensive.

Thanksgiving weekend was weird/fun/and predictable. It was nice to see the new house and toutes mes soeurs.

I also spent a good portion of my night cleaning/sweeping/straightening/organizing my room. Now I have a great study space for Exam week and a pleasant bed to dive into when I crash. Currently Carrie Bradshaw is looking down on me from above my bed and I find this almost comforting (I'm moving on up!) but also depressing and kind of creepy. Carrie may be banished to a corner of the apartment trop vite.

The weekend can't come soon enough!

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