Thursday, September 10, 2009

To do:

1. Talk to Art History professor about missing classes? No one showed up for class today....
Also talk to her about possible study abroad programs for next summer. Possible Digs? Need to look into this further

2. Begin studying for HUGE art history blue-book exam on Monday. I'm scared out of my mind about this.

3. Independent Study, is it possible to do it twice in a row? My TA position covers it, but I would actually like to do an actual independent study... Maybe I should have just taken the money for the TA thing.

4. Independent study topic? Urban bike culture in Richmond, VA. I've been taking notes and collecting applicable sources, and this sounds like an interesting topic. Possible application for an ethnography? That might be stretching it a little bit.

5. Possible dig opportunities with Jordan, I need to get back to her so we can do a dig together. I also need to pump up my School of World Studies passport.

6. find research topic for Art history paper: Possibly the destruction/certain artifact at the Baghdad Museum?

7. Chop my handlebars and buy break-levers/new grip tape.

8. Clean my room (this is an ongoing battle that I'm just not winning)

9. go to French class, except that my teacher doesn't want me around if I'm sick. Phooey.

10. Begin looking/applying/getting recommendations for internships for next summer.

11. don't worry about the future, worry about the present.

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