Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Way I See It # 359

Currently listening to: "El Scorcho" by Weezer.

I forgot how much I love Weezer. My older sister Jackie was a fanatic, and so of course, being her younger sister, I became a fanatic. I love the old songs. I miss riding in the car listening to them. I think I'll be posting the music I'm listening to when I write, because I think that music really affect the way I write, and maybe the way other people write. Maybe you'll be able to sense a change in my moods based on the music I'm listening to. HEY. I'll make it better. If I can find a link to the MP3, I'll add it so you can listen while you read. Interactive blogging? What WHAT?

Currently Listening to: "Originality" by Thievery Corporation featuring Sister Nancy.

I woke up hella late this morning. I slept over at Sid's, and since I didn't have my contact case I decided to put my contacts into 2 Solo cups in the bathroom. I woke up this morning and went to put them in, but only one cup was on the edge of the sink. The other was in the trash. I'm guessing that Brendan drunkly drank one. So I had to walk home blind (good thing Sid walked me back), and get my glasses. After that, and after Shafer I went to Michele's to watch the video we made at the party last night, and it was hilarious. Great gift Idea for Sarah!

I spent no time cleaning my apartment like I kept telling myself to do all week. I have little projects to tackle, and I'm starting to feel like a Dad, in that I'm not doing anything on the weekend related to home improvement. I'll get to it, eventually. Or when I get tired of hiding behind one curtain in my bathroom when I want to shower.

I spent a lot of time planning on going to the library to do French, Physics, and Linguistics. I ended up doing most of that homework at my apartment before I left. I like to let my mind wander at the library, so I didn't want to waste time on actual work. So backwards. But I eventually went and got a cozy seat next to the window. I read physics and almost fell asleep (embarrassing in front of my fellow regulars!)

But then my friend John showed up and everything was much more interesting! It was really great talking to him. We talked about all kinds of stuff, mutual friends, art, school, janx, music, everything. I had a lot of fun.

and now I'm up late. I wish I had a bike.

I wish I could go riding down the middle of the street with my arms up over my head.


Abby said...

yo i just got a SWEEETT new bike they are so worth it!

Z said...

I want that!