Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Way I See It # 335

So I called my mom yesterday to talk about my day and see what she was up to, and I ended up talking to my Dad on the phone, which was fine. He says that he might come down to Richmond this weekend for a motorcycle ride with me, so I guess that might be nice. At the end of the conversation I asked him if he had paid the rent, and he said, "Yeah, i think I paid it on the 15th, let me check." So he's checking and I'm back on the phone with my mom, and it's taking him a while to find the copy of the check he used.

turns out he didn't pay the rent.

apparently the email I had sent him with the details of how the rent should be paid was just html code when he got it, and instead of emailing me back to find out what it was about, he put it aside and ignored it.

so he tells me that I need to write a check for the rent and give it to my landlord, and he'll reimburse me. I don't have checks, so this throws a big wrench into the situation. I have to go down to the Bank of America on Broad and get a cashiers check. It's only when he finds out that I have to get a cashiers check, and pay for it, and that he grows a pair and decides to overnight one to the landlord.

And I was just a few days ago wondering if I should send him a reminder email. Jeeze

I'm rushing for a sorority! I'm both nervous and excited. I never thought I would join one, but I think it will be interesting. And please don't tell me that it's a bad idea, I've already been hearing that from Coppola and other people. The weekend of is going to be busy, I didn't realize how planned and organized it was. I have to get dressed up, and participate in activities, and it's definitely going to be different!

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