Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Way I See It # 356

Damn I'm posting like nobody's business!

I'm wired. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I only just finished my homework, or maybe it's because I'm a habitual nocturnal blogger. I said once, in a blog, that I enjoyed being awake while everyone else was asleep. I guess I liked the privacy. It's not the same anymore, however, living on my own like I am. My other blinds fell down the other night, so now I am completely exposed in my bathroom except for the sheer white draperies that hang in the windows. I need a solution like AOII needs members. hahahaha, oh wait.

Besides the blinds falling down, there have been some odd noises outside my windows late at night. It's been the third night in a row that I've woken up in the middle of the night from frightening visions of people breaking into my apartment, stealing my things.... and other terrifying experiences. I need to snap out of it.

Maybe that's why I'm wired.

More likely it is the alluring stacks of Study Abroad pamphlets laying next to my feet at the end of the bed. I have yet to pour over these books and contemplate where I'm going to be Traveling. I put down my address for a brochure about Study Abroad in Africa at the Study Abroad Fair today. It looked really good. England is looking good right now, and I'm thinking about something that ties in Art history, Anthropology, and French. I guess France would be a good choice. I can't imagine spending a whole semester in France. It would be terrifying, but exciting. Senegal and Morocco are my choices for studying both anthropology and French in Africa, but my options are open, although my wallet definitely isn't.

Speaking of money, I'm REALLY GLAD that I didn't invest in the stock market when I was going to. Jesus Christ. Not that I would have invested in Insurance firms, but who knows what Dad would have told me was a good idea. I wonder if he has (had) any stocks in Lehman Brothers or AIG....?

time to read more study abroad manuals and put off sleeping so that I totally regret it tomorrow in my 3 hour lab!


Steve Harkonnen said...

Just stopping in. If you go to England, make sure your itinerary includes Westminster Abbey. Just the fact alone that this was where William the Conqueror was crowned after defeating England in 1066 makes it all the worthwhile of seeing it.

Look into brass rubbing techniques before you go.

Z said...
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