Monday, September 22, 2008

The Way I See It # 360

Currently Listening To: "Originality"- Thievery Corporation featuring Sister Nancy

I think I've got the whole "waking up" thing down. I wake up at 8AM to take my meds, go back to sleep until 9:30 AM, and then I hit snooze and sleep for five minute increments until 10 o' clock. Some would say "Why don't you just sleep in until 10?" and I would say to that, that it would be hard for me to do that. I would waste time trying to get up, and have to rush out the door every morning. I have to leave in about five minutes right now, but this is 5 minutes I have to do whatever I want. Some would eat, other sleep, I guess I blog. I have french, and then physics this morning, and I get out officially at 12pm. Then I have roughly 4 hours until linguistics. I'll probably go to the library and finish my reading for the class. Also Sarah needs my notes, so I'll be letting her look at those too.

I guess homework for tonight consists of falling asleep to my urban planning book. :P

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