Monday, February 9, 2009

The Way I See It # 489

I really need to stay on top of my work. While I'm not exactly drowning, I'm finding myself procrastinating a lot, and because of this I'm at the library studying and making sure I'm ready for the day. Maybe this is ordinary behavior for a student that I just haven't been following?
After getting a grade lower than I wanted on my Archaeology exam, I'm putting my nose to the grind stone and completely ALL of the readings for every class. I realized that there were a lot of readings I just couldn't catch up on last time around. But, an hour before my class starts I've finished the last of the reading and I am on track in Archaeology.

French is another story. Because I thought I was getting sick I decided to skip French and remedy myself with preventative sleep-measures. This might have been a mistake, but at the moment I've averted disease and I'm ready to jump back into the game. Too bad I have a writing assignment and an entire topic I haven't learned to leap into.

Also I have an Art History exam which I only just made slides for. Tonight will include massive amounts of slide-memorizing and Starbucks coffee (Not plain coffee, that stuff is terrible.)

However, this weekend was fun, the weather was gorgeous, and I spent a lot of time with Michele which was really cool. I'm beginning to see that we share the same kind of humor, which is nice, because I hate getting those weird stares from everyone else.

My witchcraft class will be held at an undisclosed location today due to some concerns about a student in our class with a rogue agenda. I would get into the whole story, but it's long, and I have some French to do (apparently).

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