Made a huge mess at the Starbucks condiment stand. I was just standing there, minding my own business, and my iced caramel macchiato decided to be a LITTLE BITCH. What? You don't like straws? Fuck you, and fuck the fact that I got nearly half my drink all over the counter. ugghh.
Today the weather is terrible, but I'm slightly tempted to stay out in the rain to see how long it takes me to get soaked. I have a French test tomorrow, and I have to read parts of Genisis and Exodus for my Global Ethics class. Not too shabby, but I'm worried about my french test. I've been feeling behind and so now I'm worried about my grades. My homework has been outrageously incorrect, but I'm hoping she appreciates my effort.
I took a shower this morning and decided to let my hair air dry. I forgot how curly it gets. Though I am rocking a little Film-Noir bang action.

Dear boy with Red Hat,
Were you drunk last class? You sat down next to me and I strongly smelled Pabst. You also don't take notes, ever, and I'm wondering why you're in archaeology. Also, you're in my Art history class, do you participate in day-time drinking, then too?
Just curious, you never speak.
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