Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Way I See It # 474

I'm starting to get annoyed with my long hair. Long hair=shedding. If you will allow me to be disgusting for a minute, my hair is everywhere. I pick it off my shirt in class, it's on the floor, it's in all of my blankets, it's on my carpet, I can't escape from it. I swiffer all the time!

I've been doing French all night. I had to write a minmum of 60 words about what I think French people are like. It was hard, but I feel accomplished having written around 200 words.

I also did a lot of reading for Religious studies. Phew, that was tough. I kept falling asleep and getting mad when I woke up. I think that's a funny image of myself... now that I think about it.

I still have to shower, I might get up early and do that tomorrow morning.... it's so late....

I got into Religion, Black Magic, and Witchcraft! SICK! Now I can drop Sociology because, to be honest, that class BLOWS. So excited!


Lena said...

It doesn't change anything if you cut it all off. I cut off about 6 inches at the end of summer and I shed even more now...When combined with dust they roll across the floor, leading my father to call them tumbleweeds! I think it must be the curse of curly hair...but at least it looks good...right? Then again, there's always that humidity problem...

Z said...

ugh! My friend actually likes cold, clammy, humid weather! However, he is a guy with short hair, so he has nothing to worry about.

but yeah, "tumbleweeds" are definitely finding their way about my apartment.