Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Way I See It # 458

Note to self: Make plans for New Years Eve ahead of time.
Next year I don't think will have a problem with that, since I'll be turning 21, but at any rate, plans are a good way to not end up with Dick Clark and non-existant champagne (which I'm kind of bitter about).

I could have had plans... but one option included seeing some people from high school I haven't seen in a while (for a reason), and the other included complications that I had to let go. They both were promising, but for various reasons it didn't work out.

I guess it would be appropriate to reflect back on the year:
The Positive!
- I earned great grades at VCU
- Made new friends
- Moved into a new apartment/started my life in Richmond
- Got a job (a bit down to the wire, but it still counts as 2008)
- Learned how to live on my own
- Payed off a debt to my Father.
- started fleshing out my personal style.
- blogged more (however, that wasn't very hard)
- Ended up not investing in the stock market right before everything went to hell!

The Negative:
- Car accident
- Grandpa Dan's passing
- Family life in general
- My love life.

While the positives were certainly....well... positive, the negative were entirely too terrible. Each one of them were really bad in their own respect.

However... this is a new year, and I am determined to get this all turned around.

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