Friday, January 2, 2009

The Way I See It # 459

So much for posting every day! Consider this a post for January 2nd, I'm a little late on the uptake.

Have you ever had your Social Security Card stolen? It incredibly irritating. You're probably thinking, "Lisa, only BIG IDIOTS carry around their SS cards! What the hell were you thinking?" And you know what? You're right. I'm a big idiot. However, at least I took the initiative to get it replaced. Turns out the Social Security Administration doesn't really give a shit if your card is stolen, all they care about is that you do something about it, and you don't act like a dope and carry it around (Seriously, they put it in bold and red print on the form you have to fill out to get another card).

So I went down to my local Social Security Office to get a replacement. I thought to myself, "This will be quick and easy, and I'll be outta there in no time!"

Apparently I'm an even bigger idiot than mentioned before.

The place was PACKED. Families, elderly people, young people, people speaking languages I had ever hear before, people looking angry, people looking tired: They were all there sitting/standing/waiting in line. I was number 124, and they were on number 160 (They restart at 100 when they get to 199).

I thought, "How long should I wait?" I told myself I would only allow an hour of sitting around, and then I would leave. It was crowded, noisy, and annoying. There was one police officer to yell at everyone to avoid standing in front of doors and a window which displayed the back of the office. There were only three open windows where you could be helped.

It was pretty boring/annoying/ and uncomfortable.

However, I waited longer than an hour, my number was called, and I was out within five minutes of having them type in my name. While the wait sucked, they were incredibly fast in dealing with my replacement problem. They didn't even need to see my birth certificate.

Waiting in line at the Social Security Office: +10 Experience Points

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