Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Way I See It #465

Ever have that urge to write down what you're feeling, but as soon as you're ready to do so, everything slips from your brain? It's as if suddenly you don't know how you feel at all, how to express it, and then you feel as though you've really gone insane.

I feel like every time I try to think about things that are important, it's fruitless. All my thoughts slip away and, like water in cupped hands, it disappears eventually, no matter how hard I try to hold onto it. I feel very discombobulated (I can't believe that this is a real word). I don't know what I feel. I know I'm on the right track. It's just the part of what I should be doing with myself that I don't know about.

I need a new Journal. I think I'll buy a Moleskine from the bookstore when I go in tomorrow. The Journal I have brings back memories.

I get upset over small things.
My computer has 14 minutes left of battery life.
My neck hurts from sitting the way I am.
My muscles in my legs hurt.
I was excited to work, and now I'm dreading it.
My voice is shot.

Maybe this is a night time mood thing. I don't feel like this during the day, but at night something switches on, and I can't help myself but to feel.....despondent.

I'm sure this will go away.

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