Friday, August 22, 2008

The Way I See It # 324

So I forgot to talk about my first day. Well, about Art History. When I went I found out that Ashley is in my class, and Sara was there too. I like Sara a lot, but I realized sitting with them that I'm happy to have left that group of people. We just aren't the same. I never especially liked Ashley. She always says the wrong thing. We were talking about their friend Erica, and I said that I had seen her and thought that her hair was very blonde (she has dyed it since last year, when it was aburn/brown). I didn't mean it in a nasty way, it's just different. But when I went with them back to Sara's apartment, I said to Erica that I liked her hair, and it looked nice, Ashley said, "Yeah, we were talking and she was like, 'Her hair is SO blonde! But it's funny because you don't think it's blonde at all". So she made me look judgemental and stuck up. Whatever, I don't plan on sitting next to her in class... or giving her my notes like she managed to weasle from Sara..... she will survive. She's only taking it this year because she failed last year. ANyway, I'm glad to moving on to new people, and living on my own!

As for the class itself, it looks like it's going to be really cool. Everyone always complains about Art history, but I think it's going to be really interesting. Probs because he said it was going to be half archeology and half art history.... so that's awesome.

while in class a girl said she liked my Tattoo. I told her it was fake and that I was just trying it out, and she said it looked really cool and that I should get it.


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