I've been thinking a lot about Tattoos lately. I've always been really interested in them, and I almost wrote my English 200 paper about the cultural phenomenon. So I've also really wanted to get one. I wanted to in High School, but blah de blah I was in high school and too young, and I didn't know if it was something I really wanted to do. Let's just say that moving to Richmond has made me appreciate Tattoo art, and has rekindled me urge for a mark of my own. If I've ever talked about the subject with you, then you know that I've always wanted the Eye of Horus, representing the battle between Horus and Seth (two brothers of Isis and Osiris). Horus lost his eye in the battle, but the God Thoth was able to restore it. The eye represents the moon because of it's loss and reappearance. I've always loved Ancient Egypt, and it's something I want to study when I pursue my Graduate degree, and such, so I've always thought that was the prefect tattoo for me. Unfortunately a girl I know hot the exact tattoo I wanted. But whatever, who says I can't get it some day.
Last year, when I was in Temple, I saw a guy come out of a lecture with a double Helix wrapped around his forearm, a girl in my Stat lecture had an outline of the Richmond skyline with the words "RVA" stamped on the back of her neck.... All of these tattoos are so cool!
I don't know, I've just been thinking about it for a while, and I would really like one.
today at the Welcome Week festivities in Monroe Park, I got an airbrushed tattoo!

i personally love it. but my mom, after reading this off my computer before I could "publish" it, absolutely refuses to let me get one. But let's be honest, she can't really stop me. The only drawbacks I have are losing her respect/trust, etc. But I think it's fab, and so do my sisters!
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