Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Way I See It # 320

I put a request to join a community/webring/thingy where my blog can be found on the internet. The cite is a student blogging web community, where they categorize blogs by University, and list them in a directory. There are 4 other VCU blogs listed, and so hopefully I'll be one of them!

In other news, I went to Belle Isle today with Sid, Brendan, T-Cal, Kate, her roommate Jenna, Nathan and John, and "Dwight". I had a lot of fun, and it was such a beautiful day. It was totally awesome and I'm so glad I enjoyed myself. Last night Sid and I went to Max's house for a AEPi party and I had a lot of fun. I'm getting to know all of those guys one on one, so now I don't feel like I'm just "Sid's girlfriend". It was really cool.

I haven't purchased books yet and it's making me nervous. I don't know why, I have a lot of time, I could even put it off until after my first classes. I'm nervous because I have to ask Dad to reimburse me. I think I'll write him an email now. Also: I'M A HUGE IDIOT BECAUSE I SOLD MY FRENCH BOOK, NOT REALIZING I WOULD BE USING THE EXACT SAME BOOK THIS YEAR.

I can't believe I did that. I cannot believe I did that. Jesus Christ, I felt so stupid when I looked up my books online. UGH. That's my project for tomorrow.

I saw Sara, my roommate from last year today, and I was really happy to see her. I wasn't really happy to see that she was still drunk from last night. Oh well, she's a silly girl. She's supposed to come over sometime to see my place, but bleck, if she doesn't it's whatever, I'm sure she's partying somewhere cool tonight.

I think I should get a job, but I have to wait a couple months to see how classes go. it would be nice to get a job at RUMORS, the clothing store on Harrison, but I doubt if they would hire me. I'll spy around a bit and see what's available.

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