Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Way I See It # 554

I guess it is a good thing I'm staying busy. I'm not sure how the boredom would work out here in Richmond.

This morning I'm seeing more apartments, I have to work from 1-5 and then I'm seeing more apartments after that.

I worked only 3 hours yesterday, but it was the worst three hours I have ever worked. I had to do a bunch of transactions that I had never done before, and when I called the cash room for help everyone's tone indicated that they thought I was under qualified. I had a return for over $100 so it wiped my drawer, and when I asked for a loan, it took them half an hour to get it to me as I had to struggle with customers paying with cash.

I really hate working at the bookstore. Everyone talks down to me, I'm constantly being watched on the cameras, my manager always has an exasperated tone when she talks to me, and I feel like all I have done is tried my best.

I hope I find another job soon, because I can't stand the bureaucracy of that place.

(OBVIOUSLY these are not the views of my employer and are solely my own)

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