Monday, May 11, 2009

The Way I See It # 550

Starbucks is great. I like it a lot, but it's really predictable, in a bad way. The music is always this generic smooth jazz and recognizable Ella Fitzgerald and Louie Armstrong (just like Barnes and Noble), the products they offer encourage you to be at peace with yourself, such as a journal that has daily reminders to be kind to yourself and make that extra effort to be a good human being. The place always smells the same, the sounds are the same, the people are the same, and in Nothern Virginia it's moms who constantly gush about their children, old people, and little kids knocking things over while they clutch their milk boxes (Which Starbucks so generously provides for 'little ones').

However, I had gotten a lot done, as it is apparent that while sitting in this type of place I get a lot of work done. Maybe that is false, and it's just the caffeine that is making me more productive. Sometimes I wonder how much I would get done if I actually took a focus drug, like aderal or Ritalin. We sell something called "Nodoze" at the bookstore which is basically caffeine pills. I know a lot of kids who take Aderal and other things to help them focus/study, but I'm sure that they all have ADHD or ADD. I don't, which is probably why I've never encountered focus aids.

That was off topic, what I meant to write was that I've been productive and I have been apartment hunting all morning. I'm going to see apartments next monday, which is a great first start. Even if kara doesn't come to VCU I'm still going to get an apartment. I guess if she doesn't come to Richmond I can join someone else in a apartment... I didn't even think about joining in on an apartment rather than getting one and finding a roommate.

I don't know my plan for the rest of the day. I've been here less than 24 hours, and I'm already stumped as to what to do. Last night I got dessert with Zane, as our time in Nova overlapped for one night. It was nice, we went to Amphora and then did some exploring. I climbed a tree over in one of the office parks. I think I'll go back there sometime. He also showed me a new artist studio down near the caboos which was neat, though it was closed. It is also a coffee shop. I might wander over there sometimes this week as well.

I thought about heading over to Tysons to shop around, but honestly I don't have the money. I feel like there is so much I need to buy, but I just don't have the funds for anything. Once I get back to Richmond my two main goals will be to land another job somewhere and to get an apartment squared away. And get in shape.

I want the leg magic. (maybe I am ADD). I heard it works, and I'm a sucker for exercise equipment that looks easy. Like I said I have no money. Anyone want to pitch in and get one?

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