Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Way I See It # 383

The more and more I think about it, the more and more I'm leaning towards getting a tattoo.

But I don't want my mom to die, so I'm going to take her advice and get something fake, and live with it for a year.

What I need:
carbon paper, tracing paper and speed stick or old spice deodorant- the solid clear kind

put the tracing paper on bottom, carbon paper in the middle, your design on top

trace out your design- the image will be copied in blue carbon on to the tracing paper

cut out the design- leave about 1/4 to 1/2 inch around the image

shave the area you want to put the tattoo on-

put on a few swipes of deodorant to adhere the outline

place the outline carbon side down

press lightly and wait a few seconds

remove transfer

Then I would go over the design with permanent ink, (I've found that liquid eyeliner actually stays on for a long time, but I might look into other permanent inks that are safe for skin).

What I'm having trouble with is coming up with a design that is meaningful to me, and that looks aesthetically pleasing.

1 comment:

Misha said...

I think you should go for it :)